I love the pickled tongue we get at the Basque restaurants in Bakersfield. They use beef tongue, which used to be dirt cheap. Now, it's over $8/lb. Instead, I use pork tongue. They're smaller but taste the same. At $2.99/lb, it's a bargain.

Pickled Tongue
1 lb pork tongue
1 onion
2 cans beef broth
For the sauce:
1/2 cup white vinegar
1/4 cup vegetable oil
6 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 bunch Italian parsley, chopped
Salt & pepper
Rinse the tongue and set aside. Cut the onion in half. Using an InstantPot on Saute setting, brown the onion with a little olive oil. Add the tongue and the beef broth and set on Stew for 15 minutes.
After tongue has cooled, peel the outer layer and slice thin.
Prepare the sauce by mixing all ingredients together. Add as much tongue as you will eat to the sauce. Save the sauce and add more tongue right before eating. Leaving the tongue in the sauce too long makes it mushy.
2022 03 24