Palermo is known for street food, which can be found in the markets. The Ballaro and Capo markets are large but the best place with street food was actually at Mercato Vucciria.

Panelle--deep fried chickpea fritters. I found this dry served in a sandwich.

Pani ca'meusa--boiled spleen, lung and other veal parts served in a roll. €3. The spleen had a strong flavor and it was enough to have it once.

Pesce Fritto--fried baby fish. This was very good and you could pop the whole thing in your mouth, head and all.

Stigghiole--lamb intestines wrapped around green onion. €4. This is another acquired taste but I actually liked it. It was quite chewy.

Other street food include:
-Arancina--breaded, deep fried rice ball filled with meat sauce. The arancina in Palermo are flavored with yellow saffron and have no tomato.
-Crocche--potato croquettes filled with mashed potatoes, parsley and mint. Cazzilli are mini crocche.
-Frittola--fried up leftover cow parts. I really wanted to try this but couldn't find it. We tried first thing in the morning and at lunch.
-Mangia e bevi--thin strips of pork wrapped around green onion
-Polpo bollito--boiled octopus
-Rascatura--deep fried leftover panelle and cazzilli
-Sfincione--fluffy pizza
2022 04 25