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Buying a SIM Card in Sicily

We bought a SIM card for the first time in our overseas travel. There were several places we had reserved that required us to call them prior to arrival so they could meet us. We thought it would be helpful to buy a SIM card.

The least expensive option was TIM. They had a location near our hotel--Negozio TIM di Salvatore Craparotta. They offered a 15 gig, 200 minute card with no roaming fees for €30. It could also be used in other EU countries.

Be careful to leave your phone on Airplane Mode except when you need to use the SIM card. We found out that the data was eaten up quickly because Google Maps was using the data.

In the end, we found we really didn't need a SIM card. We were able to arrange a meeting time with the properties that did not have a staffed 24-hour lobby and we were able to access our messages and could even call the US with the free hotel WiFis.

2022 04 14

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