The ship docked in Kehl, Germany. From there, we boarded buses and had a driving tour of Strasbourg. Strasbourg is the official seat of the EU Parliament. We passed several EU buildings, including the Palais de L'Europe.

We arrived near the town center and started our walking tour at Barrage Vauban--a fortified bridge built in the late 1600s over the River Ill.

Nearby are the Ponts Couverts, a set of 3 bridges and 4 towers built in the 13th century. They were part of the city's ramparts.

Next, you'll come upon La Petite France, the old Tanner's Quarter. Here the River Ill splits into several channels. It is the most photographic section in Strasbourg.

You can take a boat tour of La Petite France.

Or enjoy a meal outside at one of the cafes.

Boulangeries remind you that you're in France.

In Place Saint-Thomas, you'll find a statue of Albert Schweitzer, who studied in Strasbourg. It was erected in 2021. .

Place Gutenberg, near the Cathedral, sits in the center of Medieval Strasbourg. It is a favorite place to gather and even has a carousel. A statue of Gutenberg, inventor of the printing press, sits in the center. He lived in Strasbourg in the mid 1400s.

Pont du Corbeau (Raven Bridge) over the River Ill. A 1411 law dictated that those who were sentenced to death be wrapped in a linen bag and thrown from this bridge into the water.

The Ancienne Douane (Old Custom House) was built in the 14th century and sits on the River Ill.

Across the River Ill from the Douane is the Musee Alsacien. We didn't have time to see the museum but did take time to admire the beautiful signpost.

Walking along the river's edge

You'll come upon Eglise St. Thomas. It is the main Lutheran Church in Strasbourg.

The Eglise St. Thomas is nicknamed the Protestant Cathedral, hence a rooster on the roof.

Inside, you will find an organ that was played by Mozart, when he visited in 1778.

Strasbourg is known for its Pain d'Epices, a spice cake similar to gingerbread. It's not cheap. €4.50/100 grams.

Strasbourg is also known for storks. Our guide said they can be seen in Parc de l'Orangerie, outside of town.

2022 07 20