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  • TravelingFoodie2

Spectra Point & Ramparts Overlook

From the parking lot at the Information Center, take the Ramparts Trail to Spectra Point & Ramparts Overlook..

Trail Details:


Distance: 4 miles

Elevation gain: 600 feet

Time: 2.75 hours

Loop: no

Parking: at Information Center

Description: from the Information Center, it's a short hike down then up to the tanks. Pass “Historic Building”—generator building for demolished Cedar Break Hotel. Hike down to Spectra Point—gentle slope down after 0.5 mile. Continue to Ramparts Overlook--it's another 0.5 mile. It's flat then gentle slope down. Continue to the end of the trail beyond Ramparts Overlook. Save enough energy for the hike back--it's uphill at 10,000 feet.

The hike starts out flat.

Views on the trail.

Look closely and you can see the trail that skirts along the top of the canyon.

Looking down into the canyon.

At the tree, follow the sign and turn right to Spectra Point.

Spectra Point

Backtrack to the tree and take the path to Ramparts Overlook.

The Ramparts Overlook

On the way back, stop to see the Generator Building for the demolished Cedar Breaks Hotel.

2020 10 06

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