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  • TravelingFoodie2

Sites in Valley of Fire

From Elephant Rock, follow the road to the Visitor Center. You'll pass Clark Memorial on the left. Captain John G. Clark served in the Civil War and died at the age of 67 in Valley of Fire from dehydration.

Next up, on the right, is Petrified Log East. It's an easy 5 minute walk to see the log, which is behind a fence. The log is 225 million years old. There is another petrified log on the west side of the park but the road to the Petrified Log West was closed.

After the Petrified Log, turn right at the next road. You'll find the Stone Cabins at the end of the short road. The Civilian Conservation Corps built these cabins out of native sandstone in the 1930s as shelter for travelers of the Arrowhead Trail

The interior of the cabins is rough but each has a fireplace.

Near the campgrounds, you'll find Natural Arch

and Beehives, an area with sandstone formations resembling beehives.

One of the beehives reminded me of Jabba the Hutt.

2020 10 04

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