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  • TravelingFoodie2

Praca do Comercio (Commerce Square)

This large square, located near the waterfront, was where ships used to dock to sell their goods. This was also the site of the Royal Palace until the 1775 earthquake, when the king fled to Belem.

Jose I on horeseback. He was the king who fled to Belem after the quake.

At the base of the statue is a representation of Portugal's dominance over Europe

and the elephant showing dominance over Asia.

The Arch of Triumph at the city end of the square.

Vasco de Gama is portrayed on the arch.

The square was quite busy on a sunny Saturday afternoon.

A pair of Pombaline pillars sits on the River Tejo (Tagus River), Lisbon's gateway to the sea.

Off in the distance, the 25th of April bridge resembles the Golden Gate Bridge.

Statue of Cristo Rei

2022 04 30

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