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The National Museum of Archaeology

The National Museum of Archaeology is worth a visit. Entry is €5. Plan on spending 1-2 hours.

The museum provides an overview of the prehistory and early history of Malta. Artifacts found at Maltese historical sites are housed here.

Decorated stone friezes from the Tarxien Temple.

Frieze with animal representations

The Fat Ladies, some from Hagar Qim, have massive rounded arms, hips and thighs and tiny doll-like arms and feet.

The Venus of Malta is also from Hagar Qim. It is 10cm tall and dates from 3300 BC. Thousands of these Venus figurines have been found all over the world. They are thought to represent fertility.

The Sleeping Lady from Hal Saflieni Hypogeum. This is probably the most important piece in the museum. She is 5000 years old. It is a small figurine, measuring only 12 cm in length.

Go upstairs to see an incredible coin display.

Female Figurine from the Bronze Age.

Dagger with bone handle also from the Bronze Age.

Skeleton from the Phoenician Period.

Another impressive piece in the museum is a Horus & Anubis solid gold amulet. According to Egyptian mythology, Horus & Anubis are half brothers whose mothers are sisters.

2021 11 29

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