We flew from Malta to Munich and had an overnight before returning to the US.
Upon arrival at MUC, we took the S-Bahn to the Hauptbahnhof (HBF), a 40-minute ride. We purchased the €13.20 all-day ticket. The alternative transport from the airport was the Lufthansa Airport Shuttle from MUC to Arnulfstrasse--45 minutes, €10.50
First order of business was to get COVID tested for our flight home, The International Pharmacy near HBF had Covid testing for €20 but all appointments online were booked. We walked down to see if we could get tested but there was a line out the door. We were able to access free WiFi at a nearby hotel and found a testing site in Gasteig. We booked appointments for €14.90 each. It was an easy S-bahn ride to Gasteig. https://covidzentrum.de/en/corona-test-gasteig-munich/
Testing done, we took a walking tour of central Munich. This is Sendlinger Tor, the southern entrance to the historic old town.

Walk up the pedestrianized Sendlinger Strasse..

Admire the buildings. The balconies are elaborately decorated.

The building corners are also elaborately decorated..

Germany was in the middle of a COVID surge and there were long lines for testing at the pharmacies.

Neues Rathaus--New Town Hall

The Glockenspiel on the New Town Hall dates from 1908. It chimes at 11 am and noon daily, as well as at 5 pm in the summer. It tells two stories: the top half tells the story of the marriage of the Duke Wilhelm V (who also founded the Hofbrauhaus) to Renata of Lorraine. A joust with life-sized knights on horseback, representing Bavaria (in white & blue) and Lothringen (in red and white), commemorates the wedding. The Bavarian knight wins every time.
The bottom half tells the second story, the coopers' dance. The coopers danced through the streets of Munich to bring vitality during the plague of 1517. Their dance symbolizes perseverance and loyalty during difficult times. The dance is performed in Munich every 7 years, the latest in 2019.
The show lasts 12-15 minutes.

Altes Rathaus--Old Town Hall.

The 2 domed towers belong to Frauenkirche, Munich's cathedral. No other building in the central city may be taller than 99 feet, the height of the domed towers.

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