Our flight from Santiago de Compostela was at 9:20am so we left our hotel at 6:45am. The airport is 15km and 15 min ride. I had called our hotel staff the night before to arrange a taxi and the taxi arrived on time. Cost was €25 for the ride to the airport.
The airport is small and you probably don't need to get there until 1-1.5 hours ahead of your scheduled departure.

We flew from Santiago to Madrid to Miami. Lunch served on our Iberia transatlantic flight wasn't bad.

Sandwich just before landing in Miami

We visited the Centurion Lounge in Miami which was really nice. We were able to grab lunch before flying to our final destination.

This was such a fabulous trip. We loved the Portuguese Coastal route--it was a beautiful walk along the sea, through small towns, bigger cities and through woods. The late September/early October timeframe was perfect. The weather was cool enough to walk comfortably but not so cold we were uncomfortable. We were lucky in that we just had a couple hours of light drizzle. The rest of the time was sunny or overcast.
We enjoyed the hotels except for a few and loved the meals along the way. I would highly recommend taking the 2-week journey. Enjoy your Camino!
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