There is a Ululani's Shave Ice on the grounds of the Hyatt Regency.

It's not cheap but the prices are the same as at other Ululani's. A small is $6.50, medium $7.50 and large $8.75. You can add a scoop of ice cream for $2 and a choice of toppings for an additional $0.75 to $1.25.
You can charge to your room and it can be offset by any credits you get, including the $10 credit by the Hyatt Regency if you choose not to have your room serviced.

Li-Hing Mui (preserved dried plum), Lillikoi (passion fruit) and Mango with li-hing mui powder (the powder is complimentary). This was served over a scoop of macadamia ice cream, which is very good. I love the li-hing mui flavor and powder. It's a little sweet, a little tart and a little salty.

One of the most popular is No Ka Oi--Mango, Coconut and Passion Fruit. I added mochi--$1.25. The mochi is soft and so good with the shave ice. Unfortunately, you only get 8 tiny cubes.

Guava, Lillikoi and Pineapple with Li-Hing Mui powder and Mochi.

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