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  • TravelingFoodie2

Ubehebe Crater

It's a 50-minute drive from Stovepipe Wells Campground to Ubehebe Crater. It's a flat, paved road, easily accessible.

On the way to Ubehebe Crater, you'll pass the turnoff for the Racetrack. You need a high-clearance, 4-wheel drive vehicle to access the Racetrack. The Racetrack is where you can see moving rocks. The rocks move across the surface of the dry lakebed, leaving trails. Some of the moving rocks are large and have traveled as far as 1,500 feet. It is thought that rain of about 1/2 inch will wet the surface, providing a firm but extremely slippery surface. Strong winds greater than 50 mph may skid the large boulders along the slick mud.

Ubehebe Crater Hike details:


Distance: 1.5 mi

Elevation: 500 feet

Time: 1:30

Ease: moderate.

Parking: large parking lot

You can view the crater from the parking lot, walk along the rim or hike into the crater.

If you choose to walk along the rim, walk counter-clockwise to include Little Ubehebe. At the top of the steep climb, take the left fork then follow signs to Little Hebe. If you take the right fork, follow the ridge up to see a triangular crater. The right fork is very narrow with steep drop-offs and not recommended if you have a fear of heights.

Little Hebe Crater

The Ubehebe Crater.

You can walk down to the bottom of the crater--it takes about 30 minutes to walk down to the crater and back up.

There are no facilities at Ubehebe Crater. When you leave Ubehebe Crater, the Grapevine Ranger Station has flush toilets which are very clean.

2022 01 19

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