Roswell is a city in southeastern New Mexico that is known as the site of an alleged 1947 UFO crash. They definitely play it up.
At Captain Jim's Home Decor, there are murals

with little green men peeking out of boxes.

Giant aliens with 4 legs holding up the Dunkin' Donuts' sign.

Buildings with UFOs.

The Roswell Visitor's Center is worth a visit.

They'll even take a polaroid picture of you with aliens.

Across the street from the Visitor's Center is the Chavez County Magistrate Court. It was built in 1911 and is one of the best surviving examples of Beaux Arts Revival architecture.

Next to the Visitor's Center is the Roswell Pioneer Plaza. It's dominated by a sculpture of John Chisum--"Cattle King of the Pecos."

The bull's ear is cut--a mark of a Chisum cattle.

The streetlights in Roswell feature an alien theme.

The International UFO Museum & Research is dedicated to the preservation of materials and information related to the 1947 "Roswell incident." It's a fascinating read about the timeline of the July incident.

Green aliens greet you at the museum although Mack Brazel, who discovered the alleged UFO debris field, said on his dying bed "they weren't green."

2020 06 28