We purchased a CTA daypass for $5 and used it to get from Ann Sather's to Lincoln Park. We started at the Alfred Caldwell Lily Pool, which was originally part of a Victorian garden built in 1889. It displayed tropical lilies and other aquatic plants.
It's a very peaceful area and it's hard to believe that you're in Chicago.

We spied a blue heron.

This is a favorite area for wedding pictures.

From the Lily Pond, we walked to the Lincoln Park Conservatory. Unfortunately, we didn't pre-book our visit and were not able to see inside.

Wander around the park to find fountains. The Eli Bates Fountain is composed of a circular granite basin with bronze birds spewing water from their beaks; half boy-half fish creatures holding large fish that appear to be splashing in the water, and tall bronze reeds and cattails protruding from the center.

Statue of Schiller, a German playwright and poet, is located southwest of the Lincoln Zoo.

Further south, you'll find a statue of Benjamin Franklin.

Take the underpass at LaSalle Drive to see the standing Lincoln statue.

Fountain Girl by George Wade. It was named in honor of suffragist Frances Willard.

2022 09 05