We took a River Cruise with the Chicago Architecture Center.

The Chicago Architecture Center is located at 111 E. Wacker Drive. Board the boat riverside, across the street. We booked online but the cruise wasn't full and we could've purchased a ticket onsite--a savings of $10.

The boats have an open upper deck. We sat on the left and were closer to the buildings.

We boarded near the Wrigley Building.

The Apple Store looks like a laptop.

You get pretty close to the bridges.

The Jeweler's Building on the left was the tallest building in the world outside of NY when it was completed in 1927.

Marina City

The Mart (formerly The Merchandise Mart)

333 W. Wacker towers above Wolfe Point where the 3 branches of the river come together. Wolfe Point was the social epicenter in the early 1800s. The Sauganash Hotel, the first hotel in Chicago, was here. This is where many of Chicago's first town meetings were held.

River Point Tower

150 North Riverside--also known as the "Champagne Flute" or "Tuning Fork" for the narrow base.

111 South Wacker

Willis Tower

We headed back towards the lake and passed Lake Point Tower.

Navy Pier

St. Regis Chicago

With your tour ticket, you can visit the Chicago Architecture Center Skyscraper Museum for $5. I didn't think it was worth it.
2022 09 02